TBC held her inaugural service in 1968 at Suhauaro Elementary School with 89 worshippers. We first met at our current location on September 26, 1971. For over five decades we have sought to give faithful witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We're excited about the ministry and witness God's given us, and the future that lies ahead.
There is one holy, catholic, and apostolic church and Jesus Christ is its Head and King. It is a holy congregation and assembly of true Christian believers across all places and times who expect their entire salvation in Jesus Christ (Eph. 4:3–6), are washed by his blood, and are sanctified and sealed by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13, 4:30).
The universal church is manifest and knowable in local churches. Belonging to the universal church becomes visible by belonging to a local church. Faithful church membership is the primary context for engaging in the “one anothers” of the Bible (Jn. 13:25; Rom. 12:6-9) and exercising spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:4-13). The local church is the proper context for observing the two ordinances of baptism and communion (Matt. 28:18–20; 1 Cor. 11:33) and practicing church discipline (Matt. 18:15-20; 1 Cor. 5:2). The sacraments and discipline help mark out God’s people as regenerate, authentic believers, reflecting the nature of the pure New Covenant community.
The mission Christ gave to the church is to proclaim the gospel and make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all that Christ has commanded (Matt. 28:19-20). That's why Trinity exists to Make Disciple-Making Disciples and Plant Disciple-Making Churches.
- The Biblical Gospel: Click here to see an explanation of the biblical gospel. The church has always faced countless counterfeit gospels that lead away from life in Jesus to death and destruction.
- A Vibrant Community of Grace: When our love for one another reflects Jesus’ self-sacrificing love, our community becomes vibrant for the gospel (John 13:34-35).
- A Hunger for the Glory of God in all of Life: Jesus’ authority extends from the heights of heaven to the core of our wills, and we want to want more of Jesus in every area of our lives (1 Corinthians 10:31).
- Expositional Preaching: Our goal in preaching is to expose the meaning of the Bible, verse by verse. We seek to read, explain, and apply God’s Word to our particular people (2 Tim. 4:2).
- Authentic Conversion: Christians are new creations who are born again—raised to life from spiritual death. When we meet Jesus our desires, choices, and actions change (Col. 1:13-14).
- Meaningful Membership: God has chosen to use gospel-preaching local churches that baptize believers, share communion, and hold one another accountable to reach a dying world with the life-giving love of Jesus (Eph. 3:10).
- Heart-Focused, Word-Centered Discipleship: Discipleship is the intentional pursuit of loving the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. The primary context for Christian discipleship is the local church (Matt. 22:37).
- Word-Centered, Warm-Hearted Worship:Christian worship expresses what a community feels and pushes us towards Spirit-led obedience, forming us to be more faithful followers of and witnesses to Jesus. (Eph. 3:12-17).
How do we make disciples?
Through Gathered Worship, Community Groups, 1:1 Discipleship, and Equipping Classes.
1. Gathered Worship
We gather in worship to glorify God and edify the saints. It is the engine room of discipleship where we are encouraged by one another and are taught, built up, and spurred on to continue following Jesus.
2. Community Groups
These small groups meet in homes to grow in relationship with other Jesus followers. This is a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion about how each of us hopes to apply the Word to our lives.
3. One-to-one Discipleship
We encourage everyone to meet with another Christian to regularly read Scripture, pray, and practice accountability in a way that is only possible within a trusted relationship.
4. Equip Classes
Christians need Scripture and doctrine to grow in Christlikeness. We have classes on Wednesdays and Sundays to help build up your understanding of the Word and what it means to follow Jesus.
Missions Strategy
The ultimate goal of missions is God's glory. The method of missions is disciple-making. Disciple-making is a task for the local church. That's why we love to engage in and support ministries that value the importance of the local church and fully embrace the historic, biblical understanding of the gospel.
- Evangelism: Sharing and living out the gospel with those who haven't yet embraced Christ is a calling for every church member—from stay-at-home moms to professional engineers. Our members are our evangelistic program.
- Church Planting: Part of our mission is to Plant Disciple-Making Churches. Locally, we are grateful to work with The Grove Church Plant Network, whose vision is to see a healthy church planted within driving distance of every person in the state of Arizona. Globally, we are excited to partner with church plants in places including Scotland and the Philippines.
At least 10% of our budget supports missions efforts. View our currently supported missionaries.