Safe Guards: Shielding our Homes and Equipping our Kids by Julie Lowe is “about naming the darkness existing in this world and equipping our children to know how to avoid it and respond to it if it finds them”. The book helps us “teach our children to navigate this world by giving them the ability to discern good from evil and right from wrong” while recognizing that our “safety ultimately rests in the hands of our God”. Chapter two through three does a good job of encouraging parents not to be overly cautious but also not passive regarding their children's safety.
The aim of part two is to equip children with safety skills. Chapter four through five helps parents recognize and protect children from sexual abuse, which, unfortunately, is more prominent than we might think. It gives suggestions such as looking for warning signs of grooming and spotting danger by evaluating behavior. Some other topics covered in this part of the book are the wise use of technology, bullying, and how to respond when violence touches your child’s life.
Part three is directed toward teens and young adults by equipping them with safety skills. Some topics covered here are sex, dating, pornography, alcohol, and mental health struggles. This section gives practical suggestions for navigating the waters of this sinful world in a wise way.
This book draws out biblical principles rather than relying on hard rules. It does a fine job dealing with gray issues as it covers a wide range of topics in a concise and helpful manner.
Let’s end with a few more words from the author: “My hope is that reading this book has given you both biblical principles and practical guidelines that will help to safeguard your child against danger. It is important to remember that although we would all like to believe that we can keep our children completely safe, that is not our guarantee. Our children are moral responders, and they will be facing many of the things mentioned in this book; they will have to make choices to discern what is wise and to do what is right and good. What will you do if you find your child has been victimized or been the one committing the victimization? What will you do when your child caves to temptation, peer pressure, or makes foolish and risky decisions?”
We have copies of this work in the bookstall.