Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. - 1 Corinthians 6:19–20
God’s presence filling Israel’s temple was an event that demanded celebration, wonder, gratefulness, and joy. It was an amazing step toward repairing the rift in fellowship between the Creator and those he made in his image. But it pales in comparison to what Jesus has made possible through his suffering, resurrection, and ascension. Now the Holy Spirit dwells within his people. In the Old Testament, only certain leaders were indwelt temporarily by the Holy Spirit. This is different from the distinct way the Holy Spirit resides permanently with his people today. Because of the work of Immanuel, God the Holy Spirit indwells all those united to him by faith.
Condescension is usually used in a negative sense. It means that someone is interacting with you as if they’re superior to you. They’re coming down to your level out of pity. When humans do it, it’s annoying. When God does it, it’s glorious. Jesus assumed the limitations of our sinful world to bring us salvation and all the benefits that flow from it.
As you consider God’s presence this Christmas Eve, think about the grace you have been shown. After Jesus ascended, the Spirit descended to indwell believers. And when you stumble into sin, he convicts you to confess it to the Lord who is faithful and just to forgive us. Fellowship with God, which came at infinite cost, will never finally be lost.