
But the LORD was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison. - Genesis 39:21

One of Abraham's descendants named Joseph was sold into slavery in prison in Egypt. In the midst of Joseph’s trials, our text says that “the Lord was with Joseph.” God, in His grace, was with Joseph. This did not mean that everything was always delightful for Joseph. Joseph was hated by most of his family and unjustly thrown into prison. Yet it’s in these very moments that God was with him. As God was with Joseph, God showed him “steadfast love” and “favor” before the keeper of the prison.

From one angle, things looked like they were going awry: Joseph was in Egypt in prison suffering at the hands of evil men. Yet from another angle, things were going precisely as planned. God would provide for his people in Egypt through Joseph just like he said he would do.

As we anticipate the birth of Jesus in the Gospels, we might feel like things were going awry. Even as we ponder our own lives this Advent season, we may get the impression that everything is a mess. It may look like God will not keep his promises. Today, ponder the story of Joseph knowing that we can take God at his word. Believe that whatever situation we may find ourselves in, God is with us.

Song: O Little Town of Bethlehem