Our church is on a mission to Make Disciple-Making Disciples and Plant Disciple-Making Churches. At least 10% of our total budget goes to supporting missions every year. Most of the missionaries we support have been sent out from our church. We are unable to list some missionaries' information due to the dangerous nature of their work.
Supported Missionaries
- Librech & Ina Anthony
Yogyakarta, Indonesia - Andy & Sarah Prime
Gracemount Church - Edinburgh Scotland - Japhet Indico
Metropolitan Christian Fellowship - Cebu City, Philippines - Phil & Ellen Nichols
Cru - Orlando, Florida - Brian & Leslie Ricci
Bridges International - Seattle, Washington Metro Team - Chris Chirico
Young Life Northwest - Phoenix, Arizona - Kurt & Lesley von der Linden
Indopartners Agency - Phoenix, Arizona - Erik & Leah Racz
International Students - Phoenix, Arizona - Chris and Tara Daukas
Global Training Network - Phoenix, Arizona