A Fun Bible-based Summer Camp for Kids!Untitled design

  • Monday, June 10th - Friday, June 14th (9am-12pm)
  • For kids entering Kindergarten through 6th grade
  • Fun, creative classes and gospel-centered teaching

We're excited to share news about this year's Summer Arts Fun (SAF) with some new adjustments! Our mission is to introduce kids to sound, age-appropriate, and God-centered biblical teaching, the Gospel, and meaningful community within a fun and safe environment.

Here's how we're hoping to do that in a more effective way:
  • Class sizes will be smaller for the Bible lesson, which means each kid gets more attention
  • Class lengths will be longer, which means more uninterrupted Bible study and activities
  • We're mixing the Bible lessons into the arts & crafts projects in creative ways
Art courses:

Sports: This class will incorporate the Bible lessons through the outlet of playing sports. From soccer to volleyball and everything in between, our experienced teachers will guide students in honing their athletic skills while emphasizing values like perseverance and discipline. The class is designed to encourage students to put their trust in God as they seek to look to God’s strength in all things.

Building- This class will weave the Bible lessons into the projects their building. In years past students have built birdhouses and used Legos to build some creative art. This interactive class will help students learn to build various projects with the aim of seeing and savoring God in all things.

Arts and Crafts- This class ties the Bible lessons for the week into various art projects. Students will grow in their ability to draw, paint, and make crafts. One way to reflect God is by using our creativity for the glory of God. Students will be encouraged to put their faith in God seeking to be faithful to his true word even in things like art and crafts.

Performing Arts- This dynamic class will use music, dance, drama, and photography to reinforce Biblical principles learned throughout the day. Students will be challenged to see the truths of the Bible as they seek to use their creativity in God-honoring ways. Our teachers will help the students sharpen their skills in a fun and engaging way.

**Upcoming sewing class on 6/17-6/21** Trinity is also offering a unique sewing class for students for 4th-6th graders. In this week-long class we will be making a pieced and quilted pillowcase sham. The class is June 17-21 from 9:00-12:30 Cost $15.00, scholarships available. Please email rfields800@gmail.com for more info.

registration now closed