No better goal exists for a Christian than to plan to regularly intake God's word. The consumption of God’s word is essential for any believer who wishes to grow in godliness (and every believer will!). If you fail to shape your life by God’s inspired word, spiritual growth is impossible. Paul’s words to Timothy still ring true today, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness" (2 Tim 3:16, ESV).
Daily reading of the Bible will help you to see the big picture of God’s unfolding plan of redemption as well as helping you grow in your knowledge and understanding of God’s word.
By using a daily reading plan there is a certain kind of accountability that you hold yourself to, and you are able to track your progress. One thing to remember, do not get caught in the guilt of having missed a day or more, either just pick up where you stalled at or start anew with the current daily reading. The main thing is not a legalistic approach to reading but rather a desire to spend time being refreshed by God’s Word to you.
Following are daily reading plans for you to consider. Each of them has a different approach to reading the Bible, but they all have the same goal: to cultivate the habit of regular intake of God's Word.
Straight Through the Bible Reading Plan
This plan starts on day 1 in Genesis 1 and proceeds to Revelation 22. On this plan, you are reading as you would any book, following the manner in which it is published. This is perhaps the most popular way to read the Bible in that you just pick up each day with where you left off the day prior. By reading the Bible straight through you become familiar with this book and begin the process of learning the different books that make up the Bible.
Chronological Reading Plan
By using this method of Bible reading you will be reading in the order the events actually happened or were written. A Chronological Reading Plan helps you to understand the story better by seeing how God’s character is progressively revealed. This method also helps us to fill in the gaps in understanding God’s plan for humanity.
The M’Cheyne Reading Plan
The M’Cheyne plan offers readers four readings from the different parts of Scripture each day. Following this plan in the course of one year you will read through the New Testament and Psalms twice and the rest of the Bible once. This plan offers the benefit of being exposed to the various parts of God’s Word daily.
The 5 Day Bible Reading Plan
This Bible reading system allows you to read the entire Bible in one year while only reading five days a week. Five readings a week gives room to catch up or take a needed day off and makes daily Bible reading practical and do-able. Many people have successfully reached their goal of regular Bible reading using this schedule. This format is also arranged chronologically and aids in the understanding of the Bible story.
Customize Your Own Plan
The Bible Reading Plan Generator site allows you to customize your own plan and export your own list or calendar.