January 28, 2024

Spiritual Life Through the Flesh of Christ

Preacher: Malachi Tresler Series: The Gospel of John Scripture: John 6:41–71

This passage leads us to examine the nature of our questions of Jesus. Do we ask questions in faith, seeking understanding? Or in unbelief, looking for escape? True believers savor their salvation, are continually drawn to Jesus by the Father, and find comfort in His words and mission. Reflect on your response to Jesus’s teachings, ensuring that it is grounded in faith, not unbelief.

1. Unbelievers Grumble About Jesus’s Divine Origin (v41-51)
The Jewish leaders grumbled about Jesus's claim to be from heaven. Jesus responded by emphasizing that no one can come to Him unless drawn by the Father, highlighting the need for divine initiative in salvation. Their question underlines the importance of recognizing Jesus as the divine bread from heaven and not merely an ordinary human.

2. Unbelievers Dispute Jesus’s Substitutionary Death (v52-59)
The Jews disputed Jesus's teaching about eating His flesh and drinking His blood, which represents faith in His sacrificial death. Jesus established His substitutionary atonement, emphasizing that true life comes from believing in His death and resurrection. This portion stresses the necessity of understanding and accepting Jesus's sacrifice as essential for eternal life.

3. Will I Take Offense or Take Comfort in Jesus’s Hard Teaching? (v60-71)
Many disciples found Jesus’s teachings difficult and left Him. Jesus questioned the Twelve about their commitment, leading to Peter's affirmation of faith in Jesus as the Holy One of God. Judas, meanwhile, did find offense in Jesus's teaching and would set out to betray him.

other sermons in this series

Jun 24


"Follow Me."

Preacher: Malachi Tresler Scripture: John 21:1–25 Series: The Gospel of John

Jun 16


The Dawn of Life Everlasting

Preacher: Malachi Tresler Scripture: John 21:1–25 Series: The Gospel of John

Jun 9


It Is Finished.

Preacher: Chris Daukas Scripture: John 19:16–42 Series: The Gospel of John