Clarifying Conflicting Rumors About Jesus
Preacher: Malachi Tresler Series: The Gospel of John Scripture: John 7:1–52
Jesus continues to face cynicism and skepticism in John 7. We must let go of our preconceived notions, submit to God's will, and embrace Jesus's teaching. When we do, we'll come to find that he offers refreshment to the thirsty soul.
1. Jesus's Offensive Diagnosis Is Controversial (v1-13)
Jesus's brothers encourage him to make a public display of his miracles, but he declines, highlighting the timing of his mission and the world's hatred for him.
2. Allow Jesus to Correct Bad Judgments About Him (v14-31)
Jesus's teaching is presented with divine authority, contrasting human tradition with direct divine revelation. He challenges the religious authorities' hypocrisy and self-righteousness.
3. Earthly Authorities Cannot Stop the Gospel Call (v32-52)
Despite efforts to arrest Jesus, his message cannot be suppressed. He invites people to come to him for spiritual refreshment. Even those who are out to capture him may be captivated by his teaching.
Don't drown out the call to Christ’s living water with self-righteousness or fear of others.
other sermons in this series
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"Follow Me."
Preacher: Malachi Tresler Scripture: John 21:1–25 Series: The Gospel of John
Jun 16
The Dawn of Life Everlasting
Preacher: Malachi Tresler Scripture: John 21:1–25 Series: The Gospel of John
Jun 9
It Is Finished.
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